Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Toothpaste Experiment

The excitement in my class was contagious, as I announced to the class that we were going to do another one of my "crazy" experiments.  The students were bursting with glee, as I instructed them to sit "criss-cross applesauce" on the carpet in front of me.  There was a hush across the crowd of eager faces, as I proudly displayed my purple mystery bag (home to my best kept treasures).

I love to use object lessons in my class.  Lots of kids are visual and kinesthetic learners.  They truly benefit from the hands-on activities.  This lesson was unique.  I told the class that I had a special purpose in mind when I selected this experiment.  I really built it up in their minds because I wanted them to remember....

I selected 2 volunteers to help me, and then I pulled a tube of toothpaste out of my bag.  I asked student #1 to squeeze as much tooth paste as they could on to the plate that student #2 was holding.  The students were so pumped that I thought they were going to explode.  "Seriously?"  student #1 asked and the class began to roar with laughter.  He wasted no time emptying the tube and I thanked him for his assistance.  Then I asked another student to come up and instructed her to put all the toothpaste back into the tube.  I picked a bright, well-liked student, and she tried their best to scoop up the paste with her fingers and cram it back in the tube.  Unfortunately, she was not able to do it.  I encouraged her to try harder!  "You can do it!" I cheered.  The class joined in, but she couldn't seem to get even a little bit back in.  "Well, who else would like to try?"  I asked.  Hands began waving feverishly, as students tried to get my attention.

Several students came up to the front and worked tirelessly to get the toothpaste back into the tube.  I smiled, as things were transpiring just as I had hoped-a big sticky mess!.  Finally one student suggested that I do it because I was the teacher after all.  I explained to them that I couldn't do it either.  Someone else suggested that I should ask my dentist, which made me chuckle.  A bright little fellow piped up "Well, what's the lesson, how do we solve this problem?"

I began explaining how this toothpaste experiment relates to anti-bullying month.  I shared that the toothpaste is like our words.  Once we speak them, we can't take our words back.  Yes we can apologize, but our words are out there.  They can not be forgotten just like the toothpaste once squeezed out could not be squished back into the tube, no matter how hard they tried.  The light began to dawn and big grins replaced the puzzled looks.

I encouraged them to use positive, cheerful words with one another.  Words that were sweet like honey, refreshing and uplifting.  The kind of words that make others smile on the inside.  

Ephesisans 4:29 says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29).  Another verse that comes to mind is I Thess 5:11 "therefore, encourage one another, just as in fact you are doing."

I explained that when we make mistakes and say things that we regret, especially when we are upset or angry, we can make things right by offering an apology.  I took a paper towel and scraped the tooth paste off the plate and shared how a sincere apology can help clean up the mess left by cruel, cutting words.

Kids can get physical, especially on the playground, but it is often the emotional bullying caused by name-calling or verbal exclusion that leaves the worst scars.  It's sad to say that even adults need to be reminded of the power of their words.  Cliques, gossip, and exclusion can be as destructive as a physical attack, especially for women. 

Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death." Wow!  Our words do have an impact! 

In honour of anti-bullying month, try the toothpaste experiment.  I know it will have a lasting impact....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Only Truly Free Gift

Wow!  What a crazy past few weeks!  I have hardly had time to shower-let alone write!  Report cards and the dreaded parent-teacher interviews are over!  Well, I actually enjoy meeting the parents of the students in my class and putting a face to the name.  It helps me understand the child in a deeper way once I have met their parents.  For me, interviews are a way of connecting and building a relationship with them.  We all have the same end goal-helping their child to reach their full potential.  Don't get me wrong-some of the interviews can be uncomfortable-who really wants to hear that their precious child isn't perfect and that they do have areas to improve in?  It's not always easy to be the deliverer of that news.

Truth, even when given with the greatest intention, can be hard to take.  Their child isn't perfect and never will be.  This is a shocking revelation for some!  Guess what-I'm not perfect either, even though I strive for excellence!  No one is perfect.  God's word says that "All have sinned and have fallen short of God's glory."  Straight A's is really an unrealistic goal.  I wish I could give all my students a perfect report card.  I actually care more about the content of their character rather than whether they get straight A's, but that's an entirely different that I won't delve into just yet. 

I had a few kids tear up in class the other day when I gave my "report card" chat.  I always tell them that I want them to do their best, and if they did their best and did not get the marks on their report card they were hoping for, that's okay.  I reminded them that their value and worth as a person is not dependent on whether they get straight A's-this is the part that struck a chord deep down.  I explained to them that we always want to do our best, but sometimes, even our best efforts do not produce the results we want.  I pointed out that they are still valuable and special to me, regardless of their grades.  I had a little girl come up to me after class and say "I can't believe you still like me even though I got N's (needs improvement) and S's (satisfactory) on my report card."  I smiled at her and we hugged briefly, but inside my heart was breaking.  It is so sad to think that some children grow up thinking that they have to earn love and affection.

When reflecting on the interviews I had this time around, I began to think about Christianity.  It is really the only religion where we can come to God, in our broken, imperfect state.  He doesn't expect us to be perfect and all cleaned up when we come to him.  I know a lot of other religions require good works to get to heaven.  The thought of "striving" to reach some sort of perfection, so I can be "good enough" to get to heaven is exhausting!  I don't have the time or energy to earn my salvation.  I am so thankful that I can come to God the way I am-faults and all (boy do I have a lot of them), and still receive the gift of salvation that He offers for free.  Nothing is free these days!  But, freedom from my sin and guilt is a gift I will gladly receive with open arms! My heavenly father loves and accepts me even if I "need improvement" and behave "satisfactorily" most of the time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trading in Panic for Peace

Overwhelmed!  That's how I have been feeling over the past few days.  I have only been back to work for a couple of weeks now, but it hasn't taken too long for me to feel like I am drowning in a turbulent sea of work, responsibilities, marking, diapers, planning, cooking, and stress.  At times, I feel like I am a sleep-deprived juggler who just can't let one of the balls drop or disaster will occur (I can be so dramatic)!

I even went to work one day with the contents of my daughter's diaper smeared all over my blouse, and I didn't even realize until I got to my classroom.  I tried to clean it off of course, but I smelled like a dirty bum all day!  So gross!

Everything seems important and everyone needs my attention!  It's easy for me to be so busy and distracted that I don't take time for the most important things.  In the past, spending time with my God and allowing His word to refocus me has been my sanity.  It's amazing how His presence can calm my anxieties and bring me peace, despite my crazy schedule and unending lists. 

This week, I have been reminded once again that what I think or society thinks is most important, isn't necessarily what God thinks.  God values relationships and people.  He cares more about my relationship with Him and my heart-how I treat my students, how I show them patience (believe me-I've got some students this year that push me to the limit), forgiveness, and fairness, rather than how many curriculum expectations I've covered.

My goal over the coming weeks is to be more like Mary (from the Bible) and to soak up the wisdom of God's word rather than to succumb to the "striving" and "Martha busyness" of this world, which can really swallow us whole.  Resting instead of striving.  Peace instead of panic.  Story books and cuddles instead of marking and stress!

My simple prayer tonight:  God help me to spend my time in ways that honour you.  Help me to remember the purposes you have placed in my heart and to stay focused on them.  Give me strength, wisdom, and perseverance to love, as you do, in all situations.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Blessing of a Small Group

I love my small group! It's a group for "young married" couples.  However, we're not so young anymore and we all have kids now.  We've been meeting for several years now.  Some couples have come and gone over the years, but there is a core group of us who are committed to each other and spiritual growth.  We meet to discuss the Bible and various books from Christian parenting to strengthening our marriages.  We always end off the evening by praying together. 

It is such a blessing to be able to get together with other couples who are in the same stage of life and support one another.  We share the struggles and celebrate the triumphs together.  We have laughed together and oh can we laugh and get off topic, but we have also dried each other's tears.  Deep friendships have developed over the years-ones that go beyond the surface.  Accountability flows out of this kind of friendship; the kind of friendship that has no pretense, where trust is key!  

I believe God created us to rely on one another and to be transparent.  Our society influences us to "do it all by ourselves," "to keep it all together," to be strong and not show our weaknesses.  This kind of thinking is contrary to God's word.  He actually tells us in the Bible to "share our burdens."  God created us to be social beings.  Yes some of us are introverts and others extroverts, but we do need each other.  We are all part of the body of Christ, and the body can't function without all of its' parts. He made us all different for a reason.

When we hold on to our pain and problems, loneliness and depression become our friend.  I've come across so many people lately who are a mess!  Mental health issues are on the rise, and I think it is because we are so prideful and we  put on our "everything is fine mask," while inside we are falling apart because of our circumstances.  Life can be sooo hard, disappointing, and tragic at times.  I would encourage you to find a small group that fits your stage of life and share.....(I know a really good one!) 

Today I say thank you to God for sending me such awesome friends with whom I can share my struggles and can find supportive arms to carry me through the difficult seasons of life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Power of Words

"Words have the power to hurt or to heal.  Words that are both kind and true can change our world."  This old adage has been posted in my classroom for the past few years, and it is my hope that it has inspired my students to choose their words carefully.  As I enter into this world of blogging, it is my prayer that  my quiet thoughts and humbling experiences would encourage, challenge, and spark discussion about how to follow in His footsteps.   I write mainly for myself and my growth , but I welcome anyone else out there to follow along with me on this journey, as we grow together....