Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Blessing of a Small Group

I love my small group! It's a group for "young married" couples.  However, we're not so young anymore and we all have kids now.  We've been meeting for several years now.  Some couples have come and gone over the years, but there is a core group of us who are committed to each other and spiritual growth.  We meet to discuss the Bible and various books from Christian parenting to strengthening our marriages.  We always end off the evening by praying together. 

It is such a blessing to be able to get together with other couples who are in the same stage of life and support one another.  We share the struggles and celebrate the triumphs together.  We have laughed together and oh can we laugh and get off topic, but we have also dried each other's tears.  Deep friendships have developed over the years-ones that go beyond the surface.  Accountability flows out of this kind of friendship; the kind of friendship that has no pretense, where trust is key!  

I believe God created us to rely on one another and to be transparent.  Our society influences us to "do it all by ourselves," "to keep it all together," to be strong and not show our weaknesses.  This kind of thinking is contrary to God's word.  He actually tells us in the Bible to "share our burdens."  God created us to be social beings.  Yes some of us are introverts and others extroverts, but we do need each other.  We are all part of the body of Christ, and the body can't function without all of its' parts. He made us all different for a reason.

When we hold on to our pain and problems, loneliness and depression become our friend.  I've come across so many people lately who are a mess!  Mental health issues are on the rise, and I think it is because we are so prideful and we  put on our "everything is fine mask," while inside we are falling apart because of our circumstances.  Life can be sooo hard, disappointing, and tragic at times.  I would encourage you to find a small group that fits your stage of life and share.....(I know a really good one!) 

Today I say thank you to God for sending me such awesome friends with whom I can share my struggles and can find supportive arms to carry me through the difficult seasons of life.


  1. I completely agree! It's vital to our health spiritually and physically to have close friends!

  2. Wow! This is so well written. Jolanna, you certainly have many gifts, and writing spiritual advice is one of them!
